This is going to hopefully be my most eye-opening

I’ve written to date. I only regret that like all my other threads, this will never be seen by those who need to see it. I wish the big accounts would share it so the reality and truth can be seen by everyone. There are so many people I wish I could tag and who would read it and share it, because it’s a history few talk about today that is so important and so frighteningly identical to everything that’s happening today.
And incredibly, it has nothing to do with Israel and the Jewish people. It has everything to do with the United States of America. When you read this thread, you’ll understand, and you’ll instantly be able to see events of today being identical to events from back then.
If you are true to yourself, true to truth, you will see that the hero today in our modern times is
@President Donald J. Trump @Donald J. Trump,
@Benjamin Netanyahu - ×‘× ×™×ž×™×ź × ×Ş× ×™×”×• and their administrations, including@SecRubio
@Pete Hegseth @Pam Bondi @Elon Musk. If you see otherwise, then not only are you unAmerican, but you’re simply not serious about truth.
This thread has been written in conjunction with my wonderful friend,
@(Salam) سلام, and as I mentioned, it touches on what
@Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 said earlier in the week, and on information stated by
@Stealth Medical and
@Insurrection Barbie a few weeks ago (and I’m a massive fan of both).
So let’s begin the journey to a time in history that tells the story of how it all began… the first ever:
In the early days of the United States, shortly after America became independent, the second president, John Adams, began to expand his mission of American trade with the world.
One of the key regions the young United States focused on was Africa and the Middle East. America had no issue with any country or people or religion. It was a young nation wanting to work with the world and befriend everyone. It was at a time when the US was still fragmented, it had not finished its constitution, and it was not yet a unified Republic. But nothing forced the country to become more united than this.
The young US wasn’t like its European peers. It was a secular country rather than seeing itself as a Christian nation. But what was to come Unified’s the churches of the US, and those around the world.
Before America was even born, and before there was even the first American, the Islamic world ruled at the time by the Ottoman Empire began a campaign of terror against the British of piracy and terror, taking thousands of British sailors and citizens hostage, enslaving them, and demanding high ransom. For two centuries since the late 1500’s, the British didn’t fully fight back and would pay the highest ransom for the release of many hostages and for the protection of various of the Barbary nations.
But when the Americans began to sail to Africa and the Mediterranean, the Muslim rulers of Algeria and Libya and other Muslim strongholds began a wave of attacks on American trading ships, killing many, and enslaving many. It didn’t matter to the Muslims who they took. And the victims were men and women and even children, white and black. And many of these hostages weren’t enslaved for labor, but rather ransom.
There is a collection of official documents and correspondence containing letters from the late 1700’s which detail the terror attacks on American ships. It’s important to note again and again that there was no justification for these attacks. These were unprovoked and fully initiated by the Muslims. And in a letter written by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson in 1786, they clearly state what the entire motive and justification was by the Muslims. And this is everything about where we are today.
However much so many even on X try to manufacture conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory blaming the Jews for everything, whether it be Candace Owens or Bilzerian or Carroll, or any other retarded propagandist, the truth and history will always destroy their lies.
So let’s take a look at that letter.
Grosvenor Square, March 28, 1786.
Soon after the arrival of Mr. Jefferson in London, we had a conference with the Ambassador of Tripoli at his house.
The amount of all the information we can obtain from him was, that a perpetual peace was in all respects the most advisable, because a temporary treaty would leave room for increasing demands upon every renewal of it, and a stipulation for annual payments would be liable to failures of performance, which would renew the war, repeat the negotiations, and continually augment the claims of his nation; and the difference of expense would by no means be adequate to the inconvenience, since 12,500 guineas to his constituents, with ten per cent. upon that sum for himself, must be paid if the treaty was made for only one year.
That 30,000 guineas for his employers, and €3,000 for himself, was the lowest terms upon which a perpetual peace could be made ; and that this must be paid in cash on the delivery of the treaty, signed by his Sovereign; that no kind of merchandizes could be accepted.
That Tunis would treat upon the same terms, but he could not answer for Algiers or Morocco.”
“We took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.
The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet; THAT IT WAS WRITTEN IN THEIR KORAN; that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority WERE SINNERS; that it was THEIR RIGHT AND DUTY TO MAKE WAR UPON THEM WHEREVER THEY COULD BE FOUND, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Mussulman who was slain in battle WAS SURE TO GO TO PARADISE.
That it was a law that the first who boarded an enemy's vessel should have, one slave more than his share with the rest, which operated as an incentive to the most desperate valor and enterprize; that it was the practice of their corsairs to bear down upon a ship, for each sailor to take a dagger in each hand and another in his mouth, and leap on board, WHICH SO TERRIFIED THEIR ENEMIES THAT VERY FEW EVER STOOD AGAINST THEM; that he verily believed the devil assisted his countrymen, for they were almost always successful.
We took time to consider, and promised an answer; but we can give him no other than that the demands exceed our expectation and that of Congress so much that we can proceed no further without fresh instructions.
There is but one possible way that we know of to procure the money, if Congress should authorize us to go to the necessary expense; and that is to borrow it in Holland. We are not certain it can be had there, but if Congress should order us to make the best terms we can with Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco, and to procure this money wherever we can find it, upon terms like those of the last loan in Holland, our best endeavor shall be used to remove this formidable obstacle out of the way of the prosperity of the United States.
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Paul R. Randall, Esg., at Barcelona. The last from Mr. Barclay was dated Bayonne. It is hoped we shall soon bave news from Algiers and Morocco, and we wish it may not be made more disagreeable than this from Tunis and Tripoli.
So why did the Muslim rulers of Algeria wage war against the Americans in 1801? Because the Americans didn’t pay the ransom quickly enough to their liking. The Americans were forced to pay initially 10% of their entire annual budget (the Jizya), which later rose to 20% simply because appeasement didn’t work.
Over the centuries. The Muslims took millions of Europeans as slaves, right up to Iceland. Entire towns and villages were plundered and kidnapped.
And when Americans Egan to sail East, the Muslims spared no one and took too many to count. This was well before even the American history of slavery. So again, it was completely unprovoked. The only crime America committed was that it didn’t follow Islam.
And at this time, John Adams was the equivalent of Joe Biden. He appeased the Muslims and allowed them to take American people hostage in the thousands without retaliation or consequence, and simply continued paying the ransom and borrowing beyond America’s capabilities to pay it. And all the Islamists did was increase again and again and again.
But then Thomas Jefferson became the third President. And he understood that appeasement only emboldened the Muslims and inspired them to take more hostages and disturb the American trade routes, much like the Houthis do now. What Thomas Jefferson represented was the Donald Trump of that day. He knew that to end it, it required peace through strength.
Throughout the 1790’s, before his presidency in 1801, Thomas Jefferson as one of the founding fathers of the United States began a project to build America’s navy. Ships were built in astonishing rates, and he also pushed for and commissioned the first US Marine Corps. He knew what needed to be done to protect American trade and interests, and to protect American citizens. The time for appeasement was over.
In 1801 when he became the third president, he sent his new navy towards Africa. He did it without the consent and approval of Congress and only told them once the fleet were too far to turn back. They were sent to ensure treaties were kept… but in reality, they were sent for war.
Upon the arrival of the fleet of the coast of Gibraltar, the Algerian rulers of the Barbary nation declared war on the United States. Jefferson had managed to do the unimaginable back home at the time… he united the nation and all the separate states. He also gained the full support of all the churches in America.
In 1801, he too declared war, and so began America’s first real war as an independent nation, and the first ever war on terror. The conflicts in the Middle East and events such as 9/11 and the Iraq War weren’t because of America interfering in the Middle East. It began hundreds of years earlier, and was the other way around. Islam declared war on the West, simply because of the words of the Quran.
This war continued for 4 years until 1805. Algeria were defeated, as were Tripoli and other Barbary provinces. And it ended with a treaty. A “peace” deal. But several US ambassadors in the region and even commanders knew that the peace deals were wrong. They knew America needed to fight to the end because the Muslims would never stop their crusade for total domination unless they were stopped. Thomas Jefferson received his praise for the war from the British, especially Lord Nelson, and even from the Pope, Pope Pius VII, who declared that the United States “had done more for the cause of Christianity than the most powerful nations of Christendom have done for ages.”
America showed the world that it was the new power on the global stage. And they showed the world that fighting for what’s right is important for security everywhere.
What the Barbary wars tell us is that the jihad waged by the Islamist world today isn’t new, nor is it because of injustices against the Muslim world. The victimhood of Muslims and Islamophobia are all fabricated gaslighting to hide the truth. And that truth is very simple:
Muslims are bound by the word of their book because it is to them the word of their god. They are duty-bound to wage war on all nonbelievers and to take hostages, slaves and innocent lives. It is what the “religion” is.
All this happened before Zionism, before Israel, before 9/11, before JFK, before all of the plethora of conspiracy theories and blood libels aimed at the Jewish people. In fact during this very time, Jews were persecuted and massacred across the entire Middle East including the land that is now Israel all at the hands of Muslims and simply for the crime of being Jewish and refusing to convert to Islam.
The Barbary Wars ended because Americans back home had lost appetite for war and had no courage to do what was necessary. They had no precedent or history with Islamic terrorists. But there is absolutely no excuse for Americans today. None.
To all those in the United States pretending to be “America First” and claiming that the war on terror is not America’s war, it’s time to educate yourselves. You’re not patriots. You’re bigoted ignorant fools who refuse to see the truth in front of you. You’re gullible and weak. And you will bring the downfall of America.
This thread isn’t meant as an attack on any religion or people. It is simply history and truth. And truth has no emotion or favor. It’s cold and brutal, but it’s the most important thing in the world when your lives and the lives of your children are at stake. Israel didn’t start this war. America didn’t start this war. Islam did. And Islam continues to do so. And this is exactly why America and Israel are such close and important allies. Israel is fighting America’s war too. But if we fail, make no mistake the Islamists are coming for you. They’ve already done it. 250 years ago, and today.
There is no more just and moral war than the war against Islamic terrorism. If the west fails, the west will fall and billions will die. There is no running away from it. It’s coming.
So all I’ll say to end this thread is:
Am Israel Chai
And G-D bless America.
Thank you again to
@(Salam) سلام