Thread Reader


Feb 22, 2023
5 tweets

I'd like to share some of my practice of letting ChatGPT "read" articles for me. The basic usage is to paste "prompt + article" together into the ChatGPT input box and wait for the output.

The prompt is a relatively personal requirement, but there are a few relatively common practices. - Use a concise but clear expression, such as "read the article, summarize the main points and express them in an unordered list" - Try to include a word limit for the output, so the above prompt could be changed to "summarize the main points and express them in an unordered list, in 300 characters or less".
We can also adjust and optimize these prompt words according to different article types and needs, the following is for reference only. - Industry overview articles: "What companies are mentioned in the article and what they have done, please list them out". - articles with many hyperlinks, especially when there are many links to various companies or products: "extract the hyperlinks from the article and express them in Markdown form".
In addition to ChatGPT, the note-taking tool Craft integrates with the GPT API and can also handle articles with more graphics, using "extract charts".
- opinion and commentary articles, such as the editorial in The Economist: "Using Chinese to summarize, what are the respective points and arguments of this article". This is the ability that shocked me the most, and the image below is just an example.


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