You clearly don't even know what critical thinking is never mind ever thought for yourself
And are just Trolling
Why are statistics on gun control irrelevant in a discussion on gun control
And why are they deceptive
Because you don't agree with them!…
And I've repeatedly said why "something" is ‘a good thing’
And "something" else is a bad thing
So more than maybe gun control isn’t a good thing
It's bad in the US because it's unconstitutional
It's bad because it DOESN'T reduce gun murders or crime…
Gun control is bad because it actually overall in general (yes surprise surprise with exceptions because this is the real word with variations & no two countries or cultures are the same ) seems to INCREASE gun murders gun crime ALL crime!
But MOST....…
#MassSchoolShootings didn't happen when were FEW restrictions on public owning firearms in 1940s & 50s
Neither did mass shootings occur then in military facilities where machine guns & worse were available
Mass shootings only really started in 1960s!…
So was start of #MassShootings in 1960s & pandemic of them starting in 1999
CAUSED BY #GunControls
Or rise in mass media recreational drugs prescription drugs "liberal" breakdown of families feminism loss of father figures feminisation of education..?!…
No, people need to think for themselves - something you told me earlier.
You keep posting irrelevant and deceptive statistics, as if they actually mean something. YOU should try critical thinking. If you cannot say why something is ‘a good thing’, maybe it isn’t?
Satirising anti-social media & parodying legacy news
All views my own not those of my social media provider
Or maybe not even my own
All usual caveats apply!